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Translation:O Muhammad! These are some of the tidings of the "Unseen" which We are revealing to you. You did not know these before this nor did your people. So practice fortitude, for ultimately, the God-fearing people shall come out successful.
Translit: Tilka min anbai alghaybi nooheeha ilayka ma kunta taAAlamuha anta wala qawmuka min qabli hatha faisbir inna alAAaqibata lilmuttaqeena
0 TilkaTilka
1 min | مِنْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles min
2 anbaianbai
3 alghaybialghaybi
4 nooheehanuwhiyha
5 ilayka | إِليْكَ | to you (masc., sing) Combined Particles ilayka
6 ma | مَا | what |interro. pron.|, that which |relative pron|, not |negation|, as long as |conj.| whenever, the fact that Combined Particles ma
7 kunta كُنْتَ | were Kana Perfectkunta
8 taAAlamuhata`lamuha
9 anta | أَنْتَ | | | | you Subject Pronoun anta
10 wala | وَلَا | nor,... either; not even, also |with preceding neg.| Combined Particles wala
11 qawmukaqawmuka
12 min | مِنْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles min
13 qabli | قَبلَِ | before Combined Particles qabli
14 hatha | هَـٰذَا | this, this one; (masc., single) |demonstrative pron.| Combined Particles hatha
15 faisbirisb
16 inna | إِنَّ | verily Combined Particles inna
17 alAAaqibataal`aqibata
18 lilmuttaqeenalmuttaqiy